Thursday, February 22, 2007

Do not fall for that "Islam is the religion of peace " Nonsense

Creation and God, God and creation, Christianity and Islam.
Islam is the religion of Evil, plain and simple.
What's the big deal a lot of people say, why you have the right to believe anything you want as long as you don't force it on me. That's right, you do. The problem is that if you live in a predominantly Muslim nation and you don't practice Islam, the Koran says you are an enemy and should be destroyed. Sure, Christians are taught to spread the "good news" of the bible in hopes to to get people born again of Gods Spirit, but in this case, if you do not believe, you will not be hated and killed.
All Death and Destruction comes from the Devil
The Devil and his demons are responsible for All the evil in the world, everything from a simple argument to hatred to death.
I'm gonna lay it on the line and tell it like it is
I have read the Koran, and until you read some of it you might not believe me when I say this but, it is a book of complete and udder nonsense. The book is inspired by god alright, the god of this world who is the devil. How anyone could think that God, the Creator of heavens and the earth, the creator of mankind and all that you know and see would somehow condone murder
for the belief in him is beyond me. the god of Islam also puts women on a much lower scale than man. And not to be rude or insulting but if your a women who believes in Islam you have to be absolutely nuts, because you are treated as nothing but a piece of dirt.
Doesn't that bother you
Because it bothers the hell out of me to think that you are inferior in any sort of way.
Know this, that the Koran was written to deceive man and to keep man from God
Islam is a disease that is spreading like wildfire all over the globe and even here in the US. The hard core truth is that if you believe in the Koran you can not give an honest pledge to freedom and to the Constitution of the United States.
Why? Because your religion forbids it
That's right it does. Don't let anyone tell you it doesn't because it does. If they say it does not
than they really no nothing about the religion they are promoting at all. The Koran and the US Constitution go together like oil and water, they are both on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
This Country was founded on the beliefs of Christianity
Yep, that's right. The belief in God the creator and the death of his son, Jesus Christ.And it is through this belief that we have become the greatest free nation on the face of the Earth, and unfortunately religions like Islam come in like a disease and try to tear us down. It's sicking, and it pisses me off.
The truth is that we do not want Muslims here
Because a devout Muslim cannot be an American Patriot and a loyal citizen, because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia. And because no other religion is accepted by Allah except Islam.
Because of this allegiance, Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist because Islam, Muhammad and the Koran do not allow freedom of religion.
Sorry, but we should be suspicious of All Muslims in this country. They cannot be both good Muslims and good Americans, you can call it whatever you want, but it's the truth.
Sorry to get off of the subject of Creation and God, but I'm sick and tired of appeasing to all Muslim people who think that we have to respect what they think and believe. This is a Christian nation based on a Constitution of Biblical principles. You are all bringing us down, and you all really need to leave and go back to where you came from so that you can live in harmony with other people who hold the same values as you do.


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